TV Reporter Who Quit on Air to Legalize Marijuana Crushes Crowdfunding Campaign (Video)

“F–k it, I quit,” Alaska reporter Charlo Greene said live while reporting on her own organization, the Alaska Cannabis Club

The Alaska TV reporter who became a viral sensation this week after abruptly quitting during a live broadcast to pursue marijuana reform in the state has raised over $6,000 for her cause since Monday.

Charlo Greene, the president and CEO of the Alaska Cannabis Club (and former journalist), launched an IndieGogo crowdfunding campaign to pass a ballot initiative titled Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol in Alaska.

See video: TV Reporter Says ‘F–k It,’ Quits on Air to Sell Marijuana

Greene was hoping for $5,000 to fund her mission to inform voters on “a failed drug policy that has ruined the lives of far too many Americans.” Likely due to her sudden notoriety following her “f–k it, I quit” speech, 197 people rushed to donate  total of $6,419.

Greene also published a YouTube video on Tuesday to further explain her position on the drug she hopes to legalize first in Alaska, as Washington and Colorado have recently done, and then across the country.

Also read: Seth Rogen Blows Up at Nancy Grace Over Anti-Marijuana Tweets

“There comes a time in each and every one of our lives when we must choose to continue to spectate, or stand up for what’s right,” Green says in the video (above). “If responsible adults should be allowed to choose how they like to drink, why differentiate my toke from your beer?…Nearly a century of marijuana prohibition and stigma have stained America, the land of the free and the home of the brave. But we have a chance to taking back the right.”

The video already has over 832,000 views.

Also read: CNN’s Sanjay Gupta Talks ‘Weed’ Sequel: ‘It Seems Politics Trumps Science’ On Marijuana

Green was moonlighting as a marijuana activist and distributor while employed by KTVA 11, and left colleagues stunned when she came clean in a dramatic — some might say hilarious — fashion.

“We sincerely apologize for the inappropriate language used by a KTVA reporter during her live presentation on the air tonight,” the station said on its Facebook page. “The employee has been terminated.”
