“I don’t like tweeting,” Donald Trump said Wednesday. “I have other things I could be doing.”
Some of the people who voted for him strongly agree.
Trump told “Fox & Friends” that he uses tweets to correct the record because the news media is dishonest. But that doesn’t explain why he tweets about “Saturday Night Live.” Or Meryl Streep. Or “Hamilton.” A few self-declared Trump voters have staged interventions on Twitter… to get him off Twitter.
“I love you, I voted for you, I believe in you,” one Twitter user, Stephanie Combiths, tweeted after Trump lashed out at Meryl Streep for her criticism of him at the Golden Globes. “But I wish you’d stop tweeting abt celebs. #itsnotworthit #itlooksbad”
Of course, Trump still has legions of supporters who love his tweets. But as he becomes president on Friday — and the job cuts into his tweeting time — he may want to listen to the fans who want him to put down his phone and get to work.
Here are a few of their tweets, arranged by subjects they want him to stop tweeting about.
mr trump.I voted for you, pls be presidential. Not a critic of a t.v. show & its actors yr voters laugh at. Tk u
— Marcia Pearson (@mphappygram6) January 16, 2017
Don't bash SNL. They would mock whoever is Prez. Stay focused on your issues. That's why I voted for you!
— HS Samoyedny (@HenryKW_1) January 16, 2017
SNL has spoofed POTUS since '75. Sorry, it's hilarius! I voted for you but come on! NO MORE TWITTER! Be above it! SAD!!!!
— Steve Cvetkovic (@Stevecpbbh) January 16, 2017
Please stop tweeting. I voted for you. Just get the job done. No More Tweets!!!
— Starfish (@ThomasO81314025) January 17, 2017
Please stop responding to people like Ms. Streep and others that do not matter. It is not Presidential. I voted for you
— Dave DeBaise (@DaveDeBaise) January 17, 2017
she is a fantastic actress admit you are wrong. And to think I voted for you. I feel so bad for doing so.
— nanajib (@nanajib) January 9, 2017
please stop tweeting this nonsense! NOT PRESIDENTIAL AT ALL!!! I voted for you now start acting like a president please
— cindy nevling (@cindynevling) January 9, 2017
Please stop tweeting. I voted for you, but your tweets are embarrassing and childish. You tweet with anger, you might give out a Nat. Secret
— Paula Foster (@lilmel1962) January 18, 2017
@realDonaldTrump I voted for you. Not a hater. Stop tweeting about dumb stuff like The Apprentice! Be presidential!!!!!!!
— Ron Sutherland (@Rlsuth81) January 6, 2017
@realDonaldTrump I voted for you. I support you. I love America. But come Jan 20, stop trolling people on twitter and start being President
— Randy Kesel (@hawk7944) January 18, 2017
@realDonaldTrump I voted for you and pray you will be able to get our country back on track. But please stop tweeting. Pretty please.
— Zee Walker (@3WalkersMom) January 17, 2017