Toronto: Dakota Group and Submarine Entertainment Backing Peggy Guggenheim Documentary

Film will be directed by Lisa Immordino Vreeland

Dakota Group and Submarine Entertainment will produce a documentary about influential art collector and patron Peggy Guggenheim.

The film will be directed by Lisa Immordino Vreeland, who directed last year’s look at another cultural icon “Diana Vreeland: the Eye Has to Travel.” Principal photography began in June.

The film will look at Guggenheim’s championship of a number of legendary modern artisits such as Marcel Duchamp, Vasil Kandinsky, Willem de Kooning, Pablo Picasso and Jackson Pollock. It will include interviews with  some of the men and women who knew her such as  journalist Calvin Tomkins, novelist Edmund White, philanthropist Eli Broad, among numerous others.

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The deal was negotiated by David Koh and Stanley Buchthal on behalf of Dakota Group and Submarine Entertainment along with filmmaker Lisa Immordino Vreeland and Jonathan Gray of Gray Krauss Stratford Des Rochers LLP.

The film will be financed by Dakota Group and produced by Stanley Buchthal, David Koh and Immordino Vreeland.

Sales are being handled by Submarine Entertainment. Production will be completed in 2014 and the film will be released theatrically.
