Supernatural teen comedy “Clinger,” which premiered at the 2015 Slamdance Film Festival, has been acquired for U.S. distribution by Paragon Releasing.
“Clinger” tells the story of a high school senior (newcomer Jennifer Laporte) whose possessive dead boyfriend (Vincent Martella) returns as a lovesick ghost to kill her so they can be together for eternity. Julia Aks, Alica Monet Caldwell, Shonna Major and Rebecca Gail also star alongside Debbie Rochon and Lisa Wilcox.
The film was directed by Michael Steves, who also co-wrote the screenplay with Gabi Chennisi Duncombe and Bubba Fish.
The deal was negotiated on behalf of the producers by Steven C. Beer of FWRV, with Evan Crooke of Paragon. Paragon will also bring the title to the international market in Cannes next month.
“We handpicked this film for the Paragon brand to go to theaters because it represents the branded, unique type of film we are bringing to the public,” said Crooke in a statement.
Paragon plans to release the film theatrically in the U.S. this October.