“South Park” Season 22 is following up its school shooting episode with one about the Catholic Church abuse scandal, a teaser for the second episode shows.
The episode is titled “A Boy and a Priest,” and is described as this: “A very special relationship has developed between Butters and the Parish Priest. When the town finds the church doors locked and no sign of the pair, they call in the Catholic Church.”
The promo for the episode features Randy frantically calling Steven, telling him the boys are missing, and the two try to figure out where a Priest would go camping, and where they’d be able to find their missing kids.
“Hey Randy, what’s up?” Steven says in the clip, answering his cell phone.
“Steven, Steven listen. The boys are missing. Their friends said they went camping with the Priest,” Randy says. Steven responds: “Camping with the Priest? Should we call the police or buy some condoms?”
Last week, Season 22 debuted with an episode titled “Dead Kids,” in which the townspeople treated the only person who cared about a school shooting like she was crazy. You can read a recap of that episode right here.
“South Park” airs Wednesdays at 10 p.m. on Comedy Central.