Slain WDBJ Reporter’s Father Vows to ‘Shame’ Politicians Into Preventing ‘Crazy People’ From Getting Guns

“Next week, it isn’t going to be a story anymore and everybody is going to forget it,” Andy Parker says about making tighter gun control his new mission in life

The father of slain WDBJ reporter Alison Parker expressed strong indignation on Wednesday at the lack of common sense gun control in America that he believes was in part responsible for his daughter’s death.

“I’m not going to let this issue drop; we’ve got to do something about crazy people getting guns,” Andy Parker told Fox News’ Megyn Kelly.

“Next week, it isn’t going to be a story anymore and everybody is going to forget it,” he continued, saying his mission in life was now to “shame” politicians into taking action on gun control.

He also said the family used to joke with Alison that she’d be the perfect anchor on Kelly’s network.

“She was a journalist; we even joked with her she was the perfect Fox News girl, she was pretty, she was blond, and she was extremely smart.”

Parker also appeared on CNN’s New Day Thursday morning.

“I’m not going to rest until I see something get done here,” he said, breaking down in tears while talking about how he and Alison used to text each other about her on-air stories.

Andy challenged Chris Cuomo and the rest of the news media to not just let this story fall to the back burner in a few days like so many other shootings.

His daughter had just turned 24 a week ago and was discussing getting married with her boyfriend and WDBJ colleague Chris Hurst.

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