Scott Baio Hammered on Twitter After RNC Speech Announcement

Former “Charles in Charge” star bashes back at anti-Donald Trump trolls

Scott Baio

Scott Baio is reacting to the wrath of Donald Trump haters on Twitter who are voicing their distaste after the actor agreed to speak at the upcoming Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

The former 1980s television heartthrob, famous for roles on “Charles in Charge,” “Joanie Loves Chachi” and “Happy Days,” announced Saturday on Fox News that he was personally asked by the Republican presidential candidate to step up to the podium at the RNC.

“I was at a fundraiser for Mr. Trump the other night with my wife and he invited me to speak at the convention, which was completely unexpected and out of left field,” Baio told Fox News.

And now that Baio has spoken about speaking, the internet has spoken too.

The following represents a mix of disapproving tweets, Baio’s responses and some — including from a fake Trump account — who are voicing approval about the actor’s upcoming date at the RNC:

The vitriol included an exchange between Huffington Post journalist Christina Wilkie and Baio after she alleged the former actor wore Trump-themed socks to a porn set.
