Sarah Silverman Shares Failed NBC Pilot ‘Susan 313’ on YouTube (Video)

“Amazingly, the studio who owns it – 20th Century Fox – is letting us post it on Jash, which is crazy. And very cool,” the comedienne said

Sarah Silverman‘s NBC pilot “Susan 313” never made it to air, but thanks to the generosity of the television studio that produced it, the show is available to any curious viewers through Silverman’s YouTube channel, Jash.

“This isn’t like, ‘Can you believe they didn’t pick this up?’ This isn’t that kind of posting. It’s like, ‘They probably did the right thing, but we liked the show,’” Silverman explains in the episode’s introduction (above) to the world. “So enjoy it.”

Also read: NBC’s Jennifer Salke on Why ‘The Blacklist’ Has ‘the Goods,’ and Keeping Faith in Michael J.
