‘Orange Is the New Black’ Actress Takes on Subway Preacher (Video)

Lea DeLaria, who plays Big Boo, refused to allow a man to lecture strangers on a train about homosexuality and sinning

“Orange Is the New Black” star Lea DeLaria shouted down a Bible preacher this week when he tried to push his religious views on a New York City subway car full of commuters.

In videos (below) shot by a passenger, DeLaria — who plays Big Boo on the popular Netflix series — leads the train in a rendition of “99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall” in an effort to drown the man’s preaching out. And when he still kept shouting about religion, she began shouting louder.

“Sorry, you’re part of the reason America’s in trouble,” DeLaria said during the confrontation, which a passenger told Gothamist occurred on Monday morning. “Religious fanatics are the reason America’s in trouble, sir.”

Things really got heated when the man began speaking out against homosexuality, which inspired DeLaria to turn to the teachings of Jesus Christ, too.

“Read your Bible and you’ll learn that this man is not doing anything that Jesus asked him. Not one thing,” DeLaria said. “Jesus said, ‘Pay no attention to a man who makes a show of their faith, because they do it for themselves, and not for God.’”

The verse she is referencing appears to be an interpretation of Matthew 6, where Jesus advises his followers to pray in private.

DeLaria has not commented on the incident directly on Twitter, but did send her followers after another user on Tuesday when she noticed he labeled her “cliché” for being “fat, ugly, angry, feminist [and] lesbian.”

Watch the videos below:

Big Boo Takes On Subway Preacher from Gothamist on Vimeo.

Big Boo Part II from Gothamist on Vimeo.

Correction: The Bible verse DeLaria was referencing was incorrectly identified as an interpretation of Timothy 1:4.
