New York Times TV reporter Bill
The Times is seeking 100 employees to take buyouts by 5 p.m. on Monday, with layoffs possible if that number isn’t reached, according to HuffPost. Non-management employees will reportedly receive three weeks salary for every year worked at the paper. Those who have worked there at least 20 years are also eligible to receive additional severance pay.
“I went through a long process, but I couldn’t square passing up what amounts to the best kind of severance at a newspaper job,”
“I love this job and I love the Times. I would never do this under other circumstances. I feel the economic pressure to do this.”
He is also the author of the 1994 book, “The Late Shift,” about the late-night battle between David Letterman and Jay Leno, which was a bestseller and was the basis of an HBO film by the same name.