Move Over, Alec Baldwin: Local ‘Trump’ Super Bowl Ad Is in Demand (Video)

The commercial for Cyprus Air, featuring a Donald Trump impersonator, only aired in Washington DC, but is a hit on YouTube

Alec Baldwin had better watch his back. Cyprus Air, an Alexandria, VA-based heating and cooling company, unveiled a Super Bowl ad during Sunday’s night game featuring a Donald Trump impersonator so adored, his skills may just rival Baldwin’s own “Saturday Night Live” Trump parody.

The 30-second spot only aired in one market (Washington, DC), but has so far amassed more than 280,000 views on YouTube — and counting.

It opens with a joke pointing to Trump’s rumored ties to Russia (“Washington is so cold, I thought Russia was cold,” Trump says), before parodying Trump’s pronunciation of the word “huge.”

Many of the commercials that premiered during the Super Bowl had a political bent: Budweiser made headlines for its sympathetic immigrant story, as did 84 Lumber, whose ad followed a Mexican girl and her mother who are trying to make it to America illegally. But none, except for Cyprus Air, explicitly featured Trump.

Watch the commercial here.
