The first season finale of Marvel Studios’ series “Marvel’s What If…?” is available to stream on Disney+, and it certainly has some big implications for the future of the MCU. As always, the animated show — Marvel’s first ever — revived some MCU icons, but it also brought some new voices to characters that fans know and love. This week’s roster was particularly large, so who all is in the “What If?” finale voice cast?
Episode 9, titled “What If… The Watcher Broke His Oath?,” follows the events of Episode 8, in which Ultron not only fulfilled his plan and took over the body of Vision, but also came into possession of all of the Infinity Stones and decided to destroy the entire multiverse. As a result, The Watcher broke his oath never to intervene and brought together heroes from various universes to create the Guardians of the Multiverse, with the aim of stopping Ultron once and for all.
The members of this team included Captain Carter, Thor, Star-Lord T’Challa, Killmonger, Gamora and Doctor Strange.
Next to “What If… Thor Were An Only Child?” the season finale had perhaps the largest cast of returners. Jeffrey Wright was, as always, the series narrator, The Watcher. But of course, “What If…?” made sure to bring back more fan favorites. Here are the live-action performers who reprised their roles in animated form:
- Nick Fury – Samuel L. Jackson
- Peggy Carter/Captain Carter – Hayley Atwell
- Brock Rumlow – Frank Grillo
- Batroc – Georges St-Pierre
- Starlord T’Challa – Chadwick Boseman
- Killmonger – Michael B. Jordan
- Thor – Chris Hemsworth
- Doctor Strange/Strange Supreme – Benedict Cumberbatch
- Arnim Zola – Toby Jones
- Loki – Tom Hiddleston
- Ego – Kurt Russell

And obviously, there were some OGs who didn’t make it back for “What If…?,” so new voice performers took their places. They included:
- Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow – Lake Bell
- Peter Quill – Brian T. Delaney
- Tony Stark/Iron Man – Mick Wingert
- Gamora – Cynthia McWilliams
- Shuri – Ozioma Akagha
- Ultron/Ultron Sentries – Ross Marquand
This episode marked Gamora’s first appearance in “What If?” and continued a strange trend in which the “Guardians of the Galaxy” actors did not reprise their roles as voice performers in the series, as Chris Pratt and Dave Bautista were replaced in previous episodes. This likely has to do with their contracts not being complete in time for recording, as these actors are all returning for the live-action sequel “Guardians of the Galaxy 3.”
Regardless, the replacement actors did a fine job, and it was nice to see Gamora in action again.
You can stream the latest episode of Marvel’s “What If…?” on Disney+ now.