Margot Robbie Just Leaves After Vanity Fair Questions About Sex Scenes

Note to stars: Here’s one way to handle awkward inquiries

Harley Quinn Suicide Squad
Warner Bros./DC Comics

The author of a Vanity Fair profile of “Suicide Squad” star Margot Robbie has been accused of taking a “sexist” and “creepy” approach, but the most awkward moment of the interview comes at the end of the piece.

Author Rich Cohen asks her about sex scenes, telling readers that in “The Wolf of Wall Street” she “partakes in some of the most graphic on-screen shenanigans I’ve ever seen, famously short-skirted in one scene.”

He asks if she was worried about not being able to do a sex scene on-camera, Cohen and Robbie agree that sex scenes are awkward, and then Robbie … gets up and leaves.

From the article:

“It just seems very awkward.”

“It’s so awkward.”

We sat for a moment in silence. She was thinking of something; I was thinking of something else. Then she stood, said good-bye, and went to see a friend across the room. Jerry was right. She looked just like Audrey Hepburn going away.

The “Jerry” he references is the late movie producer Jerry Weintraub, whom he quoted earlier in the story comparing Robbie to Hepburn.

Cohen also sets up Robbie’s odd departure, noting that she walked through the celebrity-studded hotel where they met for the interview “like a second-semester freshman, finally at ease with the system.”

But maybe not at ease with the interview?

You can read the whole thing and judge for yourself.
