Lana Del Rey Tells Kanye His Support of Trump ‘Is a Loss for the Culture’

“Lust for Life” singer joins a long list of celebrities and journalists dragging West for his most recent remarks

Kanye West Lana Del Rey

Musician Lana Del Rey offered a denunciation of Kanye West after the rapper called for repealing the 13th amendment — which abolished slavery after the Civil War.

“Trump becoming our president was a loss for the country but your support of him is a loss for the culture. I can only assume you relate to his personality on some level,” she wrote in response to his Instagram post. “Delusions of Grandeur, extreme issues with narcissism — none of which would be a talking point if we weren’t speaking about the man leading our country.

“If you think it’s alright to support someone who believes it’s OK to grab women by the pussy just because he’s famous then you need an intervention as much as he does, something so many narcissists will never get because there just isn’t enough help for the issue,” she added. “Message sent with concern that will never be addressed.”

The moment was captured by journalist Yashar Ali, who posted a screenshot to Twitter that swiftly went viral.

On Sunday, West one-upped an already bizarre MAGA-tinged performance at “Saturday Night Live” with his call to repeal the 13th amendment.

“This represents good and America becoming whole again. We will no longer outsource to other countries,” he wrote in a post, accompanied by a photo of him in a MAGA hat. “We build factories here in America and create jobs. We will provide jobs for all who are free from prisons as we abolish the 13th amendment. Message sent with love.”

The tweet was met with immediate criticism. In addition to Del Rey’s cutting response, West took heat from Chris Evans and former CNN anchor Soledad O’Brien, who called him an “idiot.”

It’s unclear what exactly West meant with his remarks about the amendment. A rep for the rapper did not immediately respond to request for comment from TheWrap.

Believe it or not, it wasn’t the first time West has caused outrage for remarks about slavery. During a TMZ interview in May, he told interviewers that African slavery in the United States looked like a “choice.”

“When you hear about slavery for 400 years … For 400 years? That sounds like a choice,” he said at the time. “You were there for 400 years and it’s all of y’all. It’s like we’re mentally imprisoned.”
