Kellyanne Conway’s Husband Steps Up Trump Attacks, Quotes From Manual of Mental Disorders

“Don’t assume that the things he says and does are part of a rational plan or strategy, because they seldom are,” George Conway tweets

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George Conway, husband of White House advisor Kellyanne Conway, spent much of Sunday and Monday morning tweeting his concern about President Trump’s mental health — with the attorney even playing doctor for a moment by giving his own diagnosis of the president.

Conway tweeted on Monday that all Americans should be “thinking seriously” about the president’s “mental condition and psychological state.” Minutes earlier, Conway had tweeted a definition of “Narcissistic Personality Disorder,” which mentioned that the afflicted are “preoccupied with fantasies.”

“Don’t assume that the things he says and does are part of a rational plan or strategy, because they seldom are. Consider them as a product of his pathologies, and they make perfect sense,” Conway added.

Conway’s Monday morning tweets continued a theme he touched on several times on Sunday,  after Trump made a number of eyebrow-raising comments — including threatening to have the FCC look into “Saturday Night Live” for mocking him.

“Should Federal Election Commission and/or FCC look into this?” Trump tweet. “There must be Collusion with the Democrats and, of course, Russia! Such one sided [sic] media coverage, most of it Fake News. Hard to believe I won and am winning. Approval Rating 52%, 93% with Republicans. Sorry! #MAGA”

“His condition is getting worse,” Conway tweeted on Sunday morning. He later pinned the tweet to the top of his account, which has 379,000 followers.

Conway also retweeted several accounts calling into question the president’s mental state. He retweeted conservative commentator Bill Kristol, who said his “fellow Republicans” would be “refusing to come to grips with Trump’s mental condition and psychological state” if they ignored his Sunday tweets.


This wasn’t the first time Conway has went after his wife’s boss. Last November, Conway creative referred to the Trump administration as a “s—storm in a dumpster fire.”
