Don’t worry, Justin Bieber; the ladies have your back. Or at least, one fraulein in Munich did during a recent visit to Heart nightclub.
“Baby” singer Bieber was making his way through the club when a male patron lunged at the Biebs in what might have turned out to be a major melee, according to video obtained by TMZ.
Luckily, a full-on brawl was avoided thanks to a woman who guided Bieber to safety.
Bieber’s business partner John Shahidi also made an assist, pushing the man to the ground, according to TMZ.
According to TMZ’s sources, the man had been unsuccessfully trying to get the singer’s attention, and apparently decided to take a hands-on approach once he got within close proximity to the singer.
Maybe Bieber should hire Gigi Hadid as his bodyguard — she knows how to handle herself in these situations. Just sayin’.
Watch the attack go down in the video.