How Kellyanne Conway Got Donald Trump to Follow Her on Twitter

The Counselor to the President became lucky number 43

Donald Trump Kellyanne Conway
Getty Images

Donald Trump loves social media with a capital “L.” No surprises there. But what is surprising is that up until recently, Kellyanne Conway was missing from the POTUS’ very short list of people he follows on Twitter.

What Conway quickly came to discover is this: “Ask and you shall receive.”

Not so long ago, a story circulated on Twitter that the president had followed Conway on Twitter at one time but then unfollowed her for some odd reason. Considering President Trump’s affinity for tweeting, Olivia Nuzzi, who was in the midst of doing a profile piece on Conway for New York magazine, texted her and asked if that was true.

Uncertain if the president ever followed her in the first place, Conway tweeted back, “Hold on.” As Nuzzi watched in real time, @reaDonaldJTrump’s “following” list jump up by one. All it took was a quickie text from the Counselor to the President to put the issue to rest.

“I asked if he had unfollowed, convinced he had never followed,” Conway replied to Nuzzi’s text. “He has 30m followers and follows like 42 people! Now 43.”

That number, by the way, has since dropped down to 41. So although Conway now can say that the leader of the free world follows her on Twitter, two people who use to have that bragging right no longer do.
