Netflix’s “House of Cards” just got the “Sesame Street” treatment in a new video — and the results are as hilarious as they are adorable.
Disregarding for a moment the fact that a beloved children’s show is parodying one that includes a “Meechsome,” “House of Bricks” tells the familiar story of the “Three Little Pigs” through the eyes of the Big Bad Wolf — Frank Underwolf to be precise.
“Some people say there’s too much pork in this town; I could not agree more.” Underwolf says before he gets ready to blowwww a house down.
The clip contains nods to running devices in the Netflix series, including those text message bubbles and Underwolf’s — er, Underwood’s — ring tap.
Being Sesame “Street,” of course, the video is still quite educational, teaching viewers about subtraction and the dangers of blind ambition.