TheWrap’s photo du jour goes to Hillary Clinton, who really knows how to work a room filled with selfie-loving millennials.
Former Clinton White House photog and current full-time photographer on the Hillary Clinton campaign, Barbara Kinney, snapped a pic of, well, people snapping pics.
After #ImWithHer supporter Victor Ng tweeted Kinney’s photo, Twitterverse picked it up and ran with it.
Check out some of the funny memes that followed:
2016, ya’ll.
— Victor Ng (@victomato) September 25, 2016
@victomato How long till Trump tweets this photo, says all these people are turning their backs on HRC, and declares it “Sad!” ?
— Ezra DF (@ezradf) September 25, 2016
@victomato There was a time where people actually focus on other people.
— Ize (@Izelos) September 25, 2016
@victomato I know it’s a sign of the times but gee that looks f*%^ing stupid.
— mhm62 (@GoPower2004) September 25, 2016
@victomato @twostraws my first reaction.
Hillary Clinton is standing at the back of a room full of people and they have no idea she’s there
— Oliver Foggin (@oliverfoggin) September 25, 2016
Pictures of @HillaryClinton show America has changed a lot in just a decade. The selfie generation is real, y’all. @victomato
– Ashton (((Elijah))) (@ashtonpittman) September 25, 2016
@victomato @mollyesque “Hillary’s step aerobic class interrupted by late arrival of new members” :o)
– Shark (@156Sharknose) September 25, 2016
@victomato @Bro_Pair
– IMadeThatBitchFamous (@tipshade) September 25, 2016