“Glee,” the high school musical series that has delighted audiences since 2009, comes to an end on Mar. 20.
Ahead of the series finale, star Jenna Ushkowitz, who plays Tina Cohen-Chang, sat down with TheWrap for a new edition of “Drinking with the Stars.”
Ushkowitz said she has yet to fully grasp that the show is ending. “It doesn’t feel as though it is gone yet, because we’re still on the air,” Ushkowitz said. “It sort of took us to the next level of our careers. It formed a family for us.”
Ushkowitz’ memories were not all rosy, however. She said the most difficult number the cast ever performed was a rendition of “Umbrella” featuring Gwyneth Paltrow that the cast performed in a large tank of water.
“[The water] was fairly warm when you got in it at 6 a.m., and by 6 p.m. it’s freezing,” Ushkowtiz said. She also said that the rain boots the cast wore for the scene proved problematic. “The water would get inside your boots. It would be up to your calves.”
When asked what to expect of the series finale, Ushkowitz said, “Lots of tears. Lots of sort of nostalgia … And I wouldn’t be surprised if you saw a lot of people come back.
Watch the video here.