Giant Trump Chicken Cracks Up Twitter

What came first, the chicken or the president jokes?

Trump Chicken

President Trump is on a golf trip in New Jersey this week, but his presence is still hovering over the White House in the shape of a giant inflatable chicken.

The effigy — or should we say egg-ify? — took roost on the a grassy spot known as the Ellipse overlooking the presidential home on Wednesday afternoon.

Starring somewhat disapprovingly across at the White House, the golden-haired foul captivated both tourists and Washington, DC, media crews.

According to the Washington Post, the Trump chicken has appeared in the nation’s capital before, most recently before a protest in April to pressure Trump into releasing his tax returns.

The giant bird even has its own Twitter account: @TaxMarchChicken.

However, not everyone was seeing the funny side, as some Republican supporters criticized the move considering the current delicate situation with North Korea.

“Hey that’s a smart idea during a potential nuclear standoff. Imply Trump is a chicken and won’t push the button,” one wrote.

See some of the best chicken jokes and more serious criticisms on Twitter below.
