Floyd Mayweather Apologized to T.I.’s Wife After Fighting Her Husband in a Fatburger

The biggest fight in Las Vegas this weekend took place in the home of the Triple King Challenge

Floyd Mayweather has apologized to Tiny, the wife of rapper T.I., for insulting her during a fight with her husband. T.I. approached Mayweather at a Fatburger in Las Vegas, according to videos posted by TMZ Sunday.

The “Rubberband Man” was upset that Maywather had been spending time with his wife, and took a swing at the best pound-for-pound boxer in the world. The situation escalated as chairs were thrown, a Fatburger employee ended up with a large gash and Maywather told his diminutive assailant to “control” his wife.

Also read: T.I. Defends Tracy Morgan, Calls Gay Activists ‘Not American’

Mayweather regretted that last line.

“Only person I wanna apologize towards is Tiny,” Mayweather told NecoleBitchie.com. “She cool. She never been disrespectful to me.”

Mayweather extended that apology to her kids, as well as T.I.‘s kids. As for the rapper? Mayweather was mostly curious what his face looked like. He heard he had two black eyes.

T.I. offered up this response on Instagram.
