Charlo Greene, the news reporter from Alaska who became an Internet sensation after quitting during a live broadcast, lit up a joint Thursday during an on-camera interview.
“I’ll spark up right now. It is what it is. I’m in the privacy of my own home. I can spark up,” Greene told HuffPost Live.
See video: TV Reporter Who Quit on Air to Legalize Marijuana Crushes Crowdfunding Campaign
Greene resigned from her KTVA job during a report on her own medical marijuana organization, The Alaska Cannabis Club.
“F–k it, I quit,” she said before abruptly walking off camera.
When asked about her quitting, which inevitably went viral, she admitted she had been planning it for months.
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“The F-bomb was off the cuff but everything else was kind of strategically planned out,” Greene said. “Why I did it was just to bring attention to our current unfair, unjust, racist, discriminatory marijuana laws.”
Greene is on a mission to pass a ballot initiative titled “Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol in Alaska,” and she has raised over $10,000 for the cause through an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign.
Also read: Seth Rogen Blows Up at Nancy Grace Over Anti-Marijuana Tweets
When asked if she thought she acted unethically, Greene admitted, “It’s true.”
She said, “I have a journalism degree. I know in journalism there’s a line that you’re not supposed to cross, and the minute I bought my business license on 4/20 of this year, I shouldn’t have reported on any marijuana stories. But if I had gone to my boss and said, ‘Hey, I bought this company,’ I would have been fired, period. I wasn’t ready for that to happen.”