It’s déjà vu for fans of “Chasing Life” when April checks back into the hospital during Monday’s finale. Season 2 of the show will be jam-packed with even more drama and a very shirtless Dominic (Richard Brancatisano), the stars of the ABC Family drama told TheWrap during its latest installment of “Drinking With the Stars” at the Sofitel’s Riviera 31 in Los Angeles.
April’s life will be turned upside down when her cancer relapses. She also learns that The Post is cleaning house, but despite her determination to keep her job, extenuating circumstances keep her head on the chopping block.
“You’re going to see that this second chance at life, she’s been trying to do new things, but was it enough?” star Italia Ricci said. “After she relapses, her decisions are going to be even more dramatic, even bigger, even messier. And I feel like that’s going to be a really interesting way to approach season 2.”
One more thing fans can look for next season: “Ladies, you’re welcome, lots of shirtless ‘this dude,’” said Ricci, pointing to Brancatisano.
“It’s great,” Brancatisano teased. “We can say it kind of takes place a little more outside of the post … I’m more fun. Different characters interact with each other.”
But perhaps the biggest question on viewers’ minds: will April pick Leo (Scott Michael Foster) or Dominic (Brancatisano).
“I did not see any wedding dresses,” Ricci teased. “I’ll go into the writer’s room and pretend I want to talk to them, but really just read all the walls which are the white boards with all the stories.”
To put that question to bed once and for all, TheWrap held its own version of “The Dating Game” to find who April should marry: Is she on #TeamLeo or on #TeamDominic?
Watch TheWrap’s “Drinking With the Stars” episode with “Chasing Life” stars here. And the results of TheWrap’s Wrapid Fire dating game here.
“Chasing Life” airs on Mondays at 9 p.m. on ABC Family.