Donald Trump’s Cell Number Leak Prompts Lindsey Graham to Smash His Phone (Video)

GOP presidential hopeful destroys several flip-phones with fire, a cleaver and a blender full of Red Bull

Senator Lindsey Graham

Republican presidential candidate and flip-phone user Lindsey Graham explored all the ways to destroy his mobile device from smashing it with a rock to blending it with Red Bull.

The GOP candidate teamed up with conservative news website IJ Review to create a video answer to Donald Trump’s latest controversial move: reading out Graham’s real cellphone number live on TV in South Carolina on Tuesday.

The one-minute video, released Wednesday and titled “How to Destroy your Cell Phone With Lindsey Graham,” depicts the Republican presidential hopeful destroying several flip-phones, lighting one on fire and throwing another from a rooftop.

“Or if all else fails, you can always give your number to The Donald,” the South Carolina senator says at the end, throwing another flip-phone against a wall, with the message, “This is for all the veterans.”

Trump read Graham’s personal cell phone number on live television hours after Graham called him a “jackass” for suggesting that Sen. John McCain was not a war hero because he was captured and spent time as a POW during the Vietnam War.
