A full-page ad in Tuesday’s edition of the Washington Post signed by 3,000 survivors of sexual assault calls for Republican leaders, candidates and elected officials to denounce presidential nominee Donald Trump and withdraw support from his candidacy.
UltraViolet Action, a national women’s advocacy organization, paid for the ad that states: “Stop Enabling Trump.”
“We write as survivors of sexual assault to express our disgust at the Republican nominee for President’s vile treatment of women, and to express profound disappointment in your continued support of his candidacy,” the ad says.
The background of the ad features the names of victims in tiny print, and says Trump’s words have a “horrifying impact” on assault survivors.
“Donald Trump is a dangerous, predatory misogynist and the living embodiment of rape culture — asserting he has the right to assault women simply because he’s famous,” UltraViolet Action co-founder Shaunna Thomas said in a statement. “With one-in-five women in the US facing sexual assault in their lifetimes, it’s because of men like Donald Trump and his political allies that this national epidemic is so intractable. Republicans must do more than just disavow these horrific comments – they need to actively denounce Donald Trump and his campaign for President. Survivors of sexual assault deserve better.”
On Friday, The Washington Post published a video featuring Trump on a hot mic boasting to Billy Bush about kissing, groping and having sex with women.
“When you’re a star, they let you do anything… I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything,” Trump said. “Grab ’em by the p—y.”
The ad is signed, “survivors of sexual assault and abuse.” Take a look at the ad below.