James Corden, Tim Minchin, Ben Platt and Abigail Spencer Present ‘Donald: The Musical’ (Video)

We’re way, way, WAY off-Broadway here, folks

Finally, we have the Donald Trump musical our readers didn’t even know they needed.

James Corden and guests Tim Minchin, Ben Platt and Abigail Spencer debuted “Donald: The Musical” last night on “The Late Late Show” — and this writer thinks they’ve got a hit on their hands. After all, the music is catchy, and its message pretty on-point.

Corden used “When I Grow Up,” from Minchin’s musical “Matilda” as their source material.

Minchin kicked the whole thing off as Young Trump: “When I grow up/I will be President and build big walls/Ban Muslims, play with Putin’s balls/Grab p—–s off the lady grown-ups.”

Platt’s Sean Spicer was next up. “And when I grow up/I’ll be Press Secretary of this land/then lie about sizes of crowds and hands/Ignore climate change ’til Earth is blown up,” he belted out.

The CBS host himself played Steve Bannon; Spencer was excellent as Kellyanne Conway.

Watch the video above — clearly, Corden’s not taking this crap anymore.
