Before David O. Russell became an Oscar darling for directing The Fighter,” “Silver Linings Playbook” or “American Hustle,” he was hired to direct an independent comedy starring Jessica Biel as an uninsured waitress who gets a nail stuck in her head, and Jake Gyllenhaal as a clueless politician who falls for her.
It didn’t go so well. In fact, Russell described it as “a painful process” when he left the long-delayed project in 2010, and no longer claims credit for the movie, originally titled “Nailed.”
Seven years after the $26 million production producers Doug Wick and Lucy Fisher described as “torturous” began in 2008, it’s finally getting released. And now it’s called “Accidental Love.”
The movie, now credited to director Stephen Greene, will be distributed by Millennium Entertainment through Ultra VOD on Feb. 10, theatrically on March 20, and home entertainment on April 28.
Catherine Keener, James Marsden, Tracy Morgan and Kirstie Alley all make appearances in the movie that, according to Wick and Fisher, was shut down a total of 14 times by financier Ronald Tutor.
“We were very excited about it but we went with a financier of questionable integrity that turned out to be of no integrity whatsoever and just had no intention of paying the bills, and he didn’t,” Fisher told Collider.