Colbert Thinks Trump ‘Must Be so Proud’ of Bill Barr’s ‘Baldfaced Lie’ About Mueller Report (Video)

Attorney general released redacted version of Mueller’s Report on Thursday

Colbert Mueller Barr Trump

Stephen Colbert talked about the release of the redacted Mueller report on Thursday’s episode of “The Late Show” — and said Attorney General Bill Barr’s statements sometimes didn’t reflect the report’s content.

Colbert noted a point in a news conference Thursday when Barr was asked if Robert Mueller’s reason for not deciding whether Trump obstructed justice was related to the Justice Department’s longstanding guidance that a sitting president can’t be indicted. Barr said that “we specifically asked” and that Mueller said it had nothing to do with it.

Colbert noted, however, that in the report, Mueller cited the policy and wrote: “We recognize that a federal criminal accusation against a sitting president would place burdens on the president’s ability to govern.”

“So Barr stood up there,” Colbert continued, “and knowingly said a baldfaced lie. The president must be so proud.”

Colbert then launched into his Trump imitation. “Oh Billy, you’re like the son I never had. What? Three?” Colbert-as-Trump said. “That explains the guy with my name.”

There’s more, including a funny joke about the Federalist Papers. Watch the whole thing below:
