Charlie Sheen Is ‘Guinea Pig’ for HIV Research, Manager Says

“How about thanking him for risking his life?” Sheen’s manager Mark Burg tells TheWrap

Charlie Sheen Today Show

Charlie Sheen should be getting a big fat thank you from HIV activists for willing to become a “guinea pig for HIV research,” according to his manager, Mark Burg.

“Instead of activists saying [Sheen] is spitting in [their] faces, how about thanking him for risking his life and becoming a guinea pig for HIV research?” Burg told TheWrap.

Sheen’s announcement on “The Dr. Oz Show” on Tuesday that he’s been off his meds and seeking “alternative treatment” in Mexico has angered HIV activists who worry others might follow his lead and stop taking lifesaving antiretroviral medications.

“He’s spitting in the face of the men and women who have done the hard work and who have saved his life,” Peter Staley, who is credited with helping to push pharmaceutical companies and the government to develop today’s life-saving drugs, told TheWrap.

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