NY Post Critic to Carrie Fisher: Actors Really Should Be Judged on Looks

“No one would know the name Carrie Fisher if it weren’t for her ability to leverage her looks,” Kyle Smith says of the “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” star

Carrie Fisher says she had to lose 35lbs for "The Force Awakens"
Getty Images

Carrie Fisher should quit acting if she doesn’t want to be judged for her physical appearance, according to one major movie critic.

Kyle Smith of the New York Post took issue with a recent Fisher interview in which she complained that Disney pressured her to lose 35 pounds prior to the start of filming for “Star Wars: The Force Awakens.” Fisher also said Disney executives “might as well say, ‘Get younger.’”

Smith offered his own response: “Not really, because while it isn’t possible to get younger, it is possible (not to mention beneficial) to lose weight, which is exactly what Fisher did.”

The Post critic also mentioned recent tweets by Fisher in which she told those debating whether or not she has aged well since seeing her in “The Force Awakens” to “blow” her.

“Fisher is a public figure. If she didn’t want the public to talk about her, she could have spent the last 40 years teaching kindergarten,” Smith wrote.

“Fisher made millions off being pretty,” he continued. “Far from being bitter about this, she and other actresses who profited nicely from their looks should be grateful they had a turn at the top.”

The issue of Fisher’s looks has clearly not affected box office totals for the “Star Wars” sequel.

The J.J. Abrams-directed film has grossed nearly $1.2 billion worldwide in less than three weeks, shattering a number of records in the process.
