Watch Carly Fiorina Suck Up to Hillary Clinton in 2008 (Video)

Before joining Ted Cruz’s ticket, former Hewlett-Packard CEO was Clinton’s No. 1 fan

Before becoming Ted Cruz’s hypothetical running mate and giving Twitterverse a serious case of heebie-jeebies, Carly Fiorina was apparently a big-time Hillary Clinton fan.

Cross our hearts, hope to die.

Back in 2008, while campaigning for Arizona Sen. John McCain, Fiorina released a special video with a message to women voters that heaped so much praise on Clinton, you’d think the two were besties, braiding each others’ hair at a slumber party.

“I have such great admiration and empathy for Hillary Clinton,” Fiorina says in the video. “I know what it takes in some small measure to do what she has done.”

Fiorina goes on to say that Clinton is “obviously incredibly intelligent, focused, tough, determined, empathetic of all the tens of millions of people that she was trying to represent in her quest to become the first woman president of the United States.”

Florina is so impressed with Clinton, her words almost sound like an endorsement. In fact, when putting together TheWrap’s master list of Clinton’s celebrity backers, none were as complimentary as Fiorina.

Exhibit A: “As a woman, I take great pride in the fact that Hillary Clinton ran for president,” says Fiorina circa 2008. “And I also watched with a lot of empathy as I saw how she was scrutinized, characterized, talked about as a woman.”

And just for kicks, she ends her ode to Hillary with this touching love letter:

“Women in positions of power — particularly bold women — who are trying to drive change as Hillary Clinton most surely is … bold women, women in power are characterized, scrutinized differently than their male counterparts are.”

We hate to say this, but for once, we agree with Fiorina … bold women are definitely scrutinized differently than their male counterparts. And not just by men.

You can watch Fiorina fawn over Clinton in the video above.
