Bryan Cranston Calls Donald Trump’s Presidential Campaign ‘Refreshing’ (Audio)

“Breaking Bad” star praises GOP candidate’s “‘I-don’t-give-a-sh–t’ attitude that really kind of keeps others honest”

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Donald Trump has been called many things over recent months and “refreshing” is not one of them.

But that is how Bryan Cranston described the GOP presidential candidate on a podcast for “The Nerdist” with host Chris Hardwick that surfaced on Thursday.

The pair somehow went from talking about bowling to the outspoken real estate mogul, with Cranston telling Hardwick that he might be able to create a show about bowling “when President Trump is inaugurated.”

“I actually like his candor,” the “Breaking Bad” actor confessed, and went on to imitate Trump: “‘You’re an idiot. I’m a winner, you’re a loser.’”

On a more serious note, Cranston said that he is happy that Trump has shaken up a political field that has never had a candidate like him before.

“There’s something so refreshing about shaking up that world that is all about being handled and here comes this loose cannon who has terrible ideas and would be a horrible president, but there’s something great about his ‘I-don’t-give-a-sh-t’ attitude that really kind of keeps others honest,” he explained.

“I think it’s a surprise benefit to the country, actually,” Cranston said.

Hardwick agreed, saying Trump “just doesn’t give a f—k.”

“I hope he stays in for a long, long time. And just collapses that whole tent of his,” Cranston added.

Listen to the audio below.
