Update: Giuliana Rancic on Sarah Silverman’s Weed Pen, Seacrest vs. Cowell and Oscar Picks (Video)
Our next guest on TheWrap’s “Drinking With the Stars” has lured more A-list and award winning film actors to work with them on TV than anyone else…and L.A. is not even the full time home base.
And if their career had not taken a turn, they would be chasing elected officials and wannabees on this midterm election day in a totally different arena – politics
Come back tomorrow, when this top photo will become clickable, allowing you to reveal who the next guest is “revving” their engines in the background there, currently out of focus.
We’ll give you a hint. It’s a “she,” as you could easily tell if you check the teaser video below.
She has a special cam. Lots of them. In her honor, so do we.
It’s the first of our Drinking With the Stars episodes with interactive photography from our technology partner, Lytro and the Lytro Illum camera.
See you tomorrow for the reveal.