On Friday and in the days leading up to Donald Trumps inauguration as president, protesters have taken to the streets to voice their dissatisfaction bearing signs that were at times funny, creative and powerful.

“Trump remember our kompromat”

“Trump makes poor decisions”

“Cabinet of horrors”

“Love trumps hate trans-Atlantic”

“Pussy grabs back”

“Stronger than fear”


“We the people”

“KGB to Trump: Phase 3 $500 billion Exxon-Rosneft oil deal” and “Make Russia Great Again”

“Not my president”

“40% approval. Sad!”

“We shall overcomb”

“We would have had universal healthcare, instead we have a wall.”

“Not fake news”

“Hope Trumps Hate”

“Putin’s Puppets:” followed by Trump’s name and a list of his advisers and cabinet appointees

A cartoon image of Trump kissing Vladimir Putin

“Not Legitimate”

“Hell begins at noon 1/20/17”

“Still With Her”