More than 94,000 people — and counting — have signed a petition calling on Disney chairman and CEO Bob Iger to speak out against President Trump’s executive order that bans travel from seven predominantly Muslim countries.
SumOfUs, an international corporate watchdog, started the petition which argues that by failing to speak out against Trump’s immigration ban and remaining on the new president’s advisory council, Disney and the other corporate CEOs are “complicit in the violence his administration is creating.”
The petition, launched earlier this week, notes that Iger is one of 19 business leaders signed up to advise Trump and one of several who have not spoken out against the president’s “immoral and illegal” immigration policy. The petition also calls out business leaders from Walmart, General Motors, IBM, Tesla and PepsiCo for failing to take action.
Disney did not immediately respond to TheWrap’s request for comment.
Top executives from many tech and media conglomerates — including Google, 21st Century Fox, Amazon, Netflix — have issued public statements opposing Trump’s executive order.
“Thousands of people are taking to the streets to protest the Trump Administration’s heinous ‘Muslim ban,’” despite Trump’s team repeatedly denying that the ban is based on religion,” the petition states.
“Tens of thousands of people across the country have taken to the street to protest the Trump Administrations cruel and un-American immigration orders, but corporate CEOs like Disney’s Bob Iger, Walmart’s Doug McMillon, and IBM’s Ginni Rometty have been dangerously silent,” senior campaigner Nicole Carty said in a statement obtained by TheWrap.
Carty continued: “This is pure cowardice. We know that most CEOs support immigration, and almost all have employees that will be impacted by the ban — but swayed by Trump’s new position, they are afraid to speak out publicly and looking after their own interests and profits over the basic human rights of their employees, customers and vulnerable refugees. Making matters worse — they continue to validate Trump’s violent agenda by serving on his advisory council. This is unacceptable.”