“The Blue Lagoon” (1980)
Brooke Shields and Christopher Atkins play two Victorian-era kids who are left to fend for themselves after a shipwreck in the South Pacific. They eventually find romance as they grow up on the remote island.

“Time Bandits” (1981)
A young boy, played by Craig Warnock, is pulled into another dimension, in this fantasy Terry Gilliam film, by a group time-traveling dwarves looking for treasure.

“E.T.: The Extra Terrestrial: (1982)
Henry Thomas’ naturalistic, emotional performance as Elliot got the world believing in E.T. — and sobbing when the alien’s life was in peril. It was the highest grossing movie of the year and remains one of the biggest box office hits of all time.

“Poltergeist” (1982)
Little Carol Anne, played by Heather O’Rourke, sent chills down everyone’s spine as the star of this early ’80s ghost thriller. She reprised her role again in 1986 for Part II.

“Annie” (1982)
Aileen Quinn played Little Orphan Annie in this all-star movie adaptation of the Broadway stage musical, featuring Carol Burnett as Miss Hannigan and Albert Finney as Daddy Warbucks.

“Savannah Smiles” (1982)
Bridgette Andersen starred in this family comedy as a young girl who takes up with a couple of hapless crooks after running away from her politician dad. Soon they’re one big, unconventional family.

“The Outsiders” (1983)
Francis Ford Coppola’s 1950s-set gang opus features mostly teen boys, but the youngest of the bunch — C. Thomas Howell and Ralph Macchio — were the film’s focus. Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold.

“A Christmas Story” (1983)
All told from the perspective of Ralphie (Peter Billingsley), hilarious nostalgia for 1940s childhood ensues in what is now a holiday staple.

“The Karate Kid” (1984)
Ralph Macchio played Daniel, a teen who takes up martial arts in a bid to takedown his bully and get the girl. The movie was so popular it spawned Part II in 1986 and Part III in ’89.

“The NeverEnding Story” (1984)
This fantasy epic that revolves around stopping the great Nothing from taking over a mystical creature-filled universe starred Barret Oliver, right, as a modern-day kid who gets pulled into an engrossing book about Atreyu’s plight (played by Noah Hathaway).

“Children of the Corn” (1984)
This is a rare case in the ’80s where the kids are the villains — ones who believe everyone over 18 should be killed.

“Irreconcilable Differences” (1984)
Drew Barrymore starred as a little girl who sues her self-involved, separating parents (played by Ryan O’Neal and Shelley Long) for emancipation. Fun fact: Sharon Stone played the other woman.

“Firestarter” (1984)
Yes, Barrymore was a big deal in the early ’80s, also starring as a child who could start fires with her thoughts in this action sci-fi film based on a Stephen King novel.

“Return to Oz” (1985)
Fairuza Balk played Dorothy in this fright-filled film that follows up the “Wizard of Oz” tale with a villain with detachable heads and spooky, laughing Wheelers.

“The Goonies” (1985)
A bunch of kids and a treasure hunt — it’s no wonder this was a hit.

“Explorers” (1985)
Ethan Hawke, River Phoenix and Jason Presson star as three boys who figure out how to do the impossible — build a spaceship that works.

“Lucas” (1986)
Corey Haim, left, starred as a lovable nerd who is determined to make friends, find love and play football — despite his small stature. And yes, that’s Charlie Sheen at top …

More “Lucas” (1986)
… and yes, that’s Winona Ryder (right).

“Stand by Me” (1986)
Rob Reiner’s coming of age classic starred Wil Wheaton, Corey Feldman, River Phoenix and Jerry O’Connell as four boys in search of a dead body in this tale based on a Stephen King novella.

“Labyrinth” (1986)
Jennifer Connelly was just a girl when she played David Bowie’s twisted love interest in this fantasy adventure featuring singing puppets.

“Adventures in Babysitting” (1987)
This Chris Columbus comedy adventure features a babysitter (Elizabeth Shue) who has to navigate the big city while kids are in her care.

“Empire of the Sun” (1987)
A young Christian Bale is at the center of this Steven Spielberg World War II epic about a English boy in survival mode while under Japanese occupation.